Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, known as PIFD, is a public design institute in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. The Pakistan School of Fashion Design was founded in 1994. It is a Federal Ministry of Education and Vocational Training department in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan intended to grant a degree-granting charter to the institute in May 2011, enabling it to award degrees recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

Introduction to PIFD

The institute strives to produce graduates who can combine design ability with manufacturing skills to produce innovative and aesthetically pleasing products. PIFD trains scholars in the operation and marketing tools necessary to promote these products to requests around the world. Through its full-time bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, PIFD strives to develop a new generation of designers, entrepreneurs, and highly skilled youth to meet the demands of the new century. It is considered one of the best educational institutions in Pakistan for art and design education.

Establishment and Growth of PIFD

When the development of Pakistani teIn 1994, the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (EPB) was placed under the supervision of the Government of Pakistan and Olivier Lapidus to establish PIFD at Sundar Das Road. It was earlier called the Pakistan Institute of Named Fashion Design. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) issued a No Objection Certificate for degree awarding status in 2007, and the institution was granted a ‘Degree Awarding Charter’ by the National Assembly in 2010. Clothes have been exhibited in the UK, UAE, India, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and various European countries and in PIFD Campus, Expo Centers, Luxury Hotels, Fashion Weeks.

Global Outreach and Student Exchange Programs

Students from Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, FATA, and Gilgit-Baltistan and outside Pakistan are admitted to PIFD. Financial Assistance Available: Rs. 3.8 million was given to 91 students in 2008-2009, and in 2009-2010, Rs. 161 students were given financial assistance of Rs.80 lakhs. Students go abroad on exchange programs and attend training and workshops in Paris. in Boras, Sweden; and at the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences in Thailand.

Schools and Departments at PIFD

The institute includes a four-year B. Des/BS degree program, which is divided into four schools:
➔ School of Fashion Design
➔ School of Fashion Marketing and Promotions
➔ School of Textile Design
➔ School of Accessories and Products
◆ Department of Gems and Jewellery
◆ Department of Furniture Design and Manufacturing
◆ Department of Leather Accessories and Footwear
◆ Department of Ceramics and Glassware

The Foundation Year Program and International Exposure

The Foundation Year program is a foundation for students before they pursue their major in any of the four schools (six subjects). Students participate in exchange programs and have the opportunity to attend training sessions and workshops in various locations, including Paris, Boras in Sweden, as well as the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences in Thailand.

Successful Graduates and Career Opportunities

Students who graduate from PIFD are the highest-paid graduates in Pakistan, with a 100% employment ratio worldwide. The student graduates from PIFD Teach at Dubai Cairo fashion schools and Shanghai, working in the industry as creative designers, merchandisers, Managers, creative directors, and former PIFD students. Served as faculty in many fashion Schools in Pakistan.