I was suffering from a lot of issues in life back in December, when just a few words by a fellow colleague set me to flames. I have never been what they call “an attitude babe.” Being a teacher I have learned to smile always and to respond to arguments by mellowing down. The other lady who ever she was, was a pretty girl but wasn’t being fair. Anyway, I just ran to my coordinator and blasted off “I am losing faith! I see that the world only treats those people well who treat others like shit! People go running after those who have an attitude problem and consider themselves above us. I am losing faith because I see no value in being honest and humble in this world and no good comes out of being nice to others”.
Another one of my colleagues, Teacher B (no names!) walked in while I was yelling all this. Both my coordinator and Teacher B calmed me down with all the “should be” words. I was able to come out of it and told them that I was going through a rough patch in life. Eventually I went to shake hands with the other lady myself and realized that she didn’t actually say what I heard.

A couple days later we were having small farewell party for another teacher when Teacher B and I happen to sit together for tea. He said things that I shall never forget and gave me another perspective towards life. He said when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was negotiating with people of Makkah, they used to come up with ridiculous terms and conditions and the Prophet (PBUH) would agree. The Makkans would think that they won and thought that the Prophet (PBUH) didn’t know well. Even some of Prophet’s companions didn’t like some of the rules. Teacher B said, people who think that we are making a fool out of others don’t know that somebody might have alonger run perspective. They think that they are winning because they are cunning and sharp. In the long run Prophet (PBUP) conquered Makkah without a battle and forgave everyone.

The point in this whole story is that one might think, that the clever and cunning always get their way, they actually don’t! God helps those who know everything, but are humble in their demands. God knows why, how and when what is good for us and the clever are on their own. Yes, they will fly high, but not everything that glitters is gold!

I am just thankful to Teacher B for knocking some sense into me that helped me in keeping my faith in life.