I haven’t read this book in the last ten years, but it left a lasting impact on my life. It’s a genuine life-changer, to be honest. I won’t be summarizing the book’s points; I’ll leave you to discover them yourself. But I can tell you one thing—it’s a must-read.

The book resonates with common sense, but sometimes, we need to hear these truths aloud to recognize them. I could go on about it, but here’s the essence in a few words: “Things happen—deal with it.” Life’s challenges aren’t personal; move forward. Some things aren’t worth your emotions.

The story revolves around two mice and two men navigating a maze in search of cheese. Day after day, they begin early, search for cheese, eat, and start again. One day, they find a large stash of cheese, and they’re thrilled. While the mice keep to their routine, the men—now comfortable with their abundance—grow complacent.

Then, one morning, the cheese is gone. The mice, true to their nature, adapt and move on immediately. But the men feel entitled to the cheese and resist moving forward, convinced it should be returned. After some time, one of the men realizes the cheese might never return and tries to persuade his friend, who remains stuck in denial.

The first man eventually leaves his friend behind, determined to find more cheese. It’s a struggle; he discovers small pieces here and there, which he brings back for his friend, still unwilling to move. Finally, after much effort, he finds another large stash of cheese—and, unsurprisingly, the mice are already there.

The time the two men lost in clinging to what they couldn’t control speaks volumes. The sooner we recognize we’re wasting time on things beyond our control, the better. Change may be uncomfortable, but ironically, it’s the only constant in life.

It’s a small book with a simple story, yet it delivers a profoundly impactful message.

Here the Amazon Link: https://amzn.eu/d/4tepS8S